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Corresponding Author
rina kurniawati
Department of Industry Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jl. Mayor Syamsu No. 1 Garut 44151, Indonesia
In Tofus micro and medium enterprises, there is one traditional activity that is conducted repeatedly, called the cutting process. This cutting process is done by using a kitchen knife which makes it not efficient and can cause fatigue for operators. In addition, there is also the possibility of different sizes of tofu pieces because there is no measuring tools to cut it. This is because operators just follow the mold flow on the tofu. This study is aimed to make a product plan for tofu cutting tools. The Analytical Hierarchy Process was used as a research method in this study. This method begins with conducting interviews regarding the choices in level 1, 2 and 3 actions to several respondents. The respondents must choose and give an assessment on a scale of 1 to 9. The result taken from a variety of alternative solutions, which is made based on requirements specifications, is that the product of the tofu cutting tool is selected with materials made of pine wood, strings, handles, naples, and naple bolts. Moreover, the product produced will have a size of 52 x 52 cm2. The product design is based on material and tool specifications to produce a simple design. This is made so that the tofu cutting tool is easy to use as well as low cost.
Analytical Hierarchy Process; Micro and Medium Enterprises; Product Plan; Traditional Activity
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
a) Department of Petroleum Engineering, Trisakti University, Jl. Kyai Tapa No. 1, Jakarta 11440, Indonesia
RM field is one of the fields located in Java Island. RM Field has great potential to be developed, In the RM field water injection has been done to increase the value of oil production. To find out the effect of heterogeneity on the RM field, dykstra parson was analyzed. The layers analyzed in the RM field were layers 22, 23 and 24. The results of the analysis for the Vdp value at layer 22 is 0.828, the Vdp value at layer 23 is 0.814, and the Vdp value in layer 24 is 0.812. With the dykstra parson analysis, it can be seen that RM field reservoirs tend to be heterogeneous, this is seen from the Vdp value which approaches the number 1, which is equal to 0.812 to 0.828 In addition, a mobility ratio analysis was carried out using rocktype 1 on the RM field and the M value on rocktype 1 was 0.3429. with a value of M <1 which means it can produce high sweeping efficiency and produce good oil recovery.
Heterogeneity, Dykstra Parsons, Mobility Ratio, Water Injection
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Hilmi Aulawi
Department of Industrial Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jl. Mayor Syamsu No. 1, Garut, Indonesia
This study aims to implement a decision-making approach in selecting electric generators in manufacturing companies. The first step is to compile a set of criteria that is matched with the companys preferences. The next step is to apply the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the weight of the criteria using pairwise comparations. Furthermore, simple additive weighting (SAW) is used to select the best alternative using quantitative data. The study was conducted at a manufacturing company engaged in textile in Indonesia. The results showed that there were six criteria used to select electric generators, namely product prices, capacity, reliability, maintenance costs, ease of service and service life. The application of this approach has been able to help decision makers in the group decision-making process effectively and efficiently. Besides that, the results of this study have been able to utilize qualitative and quantitative data to produce the best solution in the selection of alternatives.
multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM); AHP; SAW
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Ghanima Yasmaniar
a) Petroleum Engineering, Universitas Trisakti
Jalan Kyai Tapa No. 1, Jakarta Barat 11440, Indonesia
Permeability is an important reservoir property but is difficult to predict. Accurate measurement of permeability values can be obtained from core data analysis. However, this analysis is not possible to do at all interval wells in the field, so that permeability information becomes incomplete. Then, the use of artificial neural network methods can be an alternative to predict the incomplete permeability value. This study used 191 of sandstone core samples from Upper Cibulakan Formation in the North West Java Basin. These core data were used to determine hydraulic flow unit (HFU) from the reservoir, and to obtain a relationship between porosity and permeability for each HFU. The application of artificial neural network method is done by building a database of flow zone indicator (FZI) based on its relationship with log data. From this FZI value, the HFU class can be known. Afterward, the permeability value can be obtained according to the equation of the relationship between porosity and permeability at each HFU that had been generated. Based on this study, the result of permeability value is not much different from core data at the same depth, so that this method can be applied to obtain the permeability in uncored intervals.
Permeability; Artificial Neural Network; Hydraulic Flow Unit, Flow Zone Indicator
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
samsol samsol
Petroleum Engineering Department, Universitas Trisakti
The volumetric method is the initial method used in calculating hydrocabon reserves obtained from exploration stage obtained geological data from a field in the oil and gas industry. The hydrocabon reserve calculation obtained from volumetric method is the result of interpretation data, such as seismic and logging data that have a small range of trust, in this study estimated hydrocarbon reserves in the XY formation gas reservoir using material balance method and P/Z method in assessing optimism or pessimism of the reserve value generated from volumetric method. material balance method and P/Z method were chosen as a reliable method because it has better accuracy data such as pressure measurement data, reservoir rock and fluid analysis data, and cumulative production measurement data compared to interpretation data on volumetric method. From this research, it can be concluded that the reserve value produced by the volumetric method is more pessimistic than the reserve value using material balance method and P/Z method. By knowing pessimism of the results of the volumetric backup method for the other two methods, it will affect the amount of oil and gas industry reserves so that geological modeling needs to be done again after more accurate data is obtained
reserve, P/Z Methode, Material Balance
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
syufrijal syufrijal
Electronics Technology Diploma, State University of Jakarta, Jalan Rawamangun Muka, Jakarta 13220, Indonesia
The objective of this research is to make a constant pressure control in water supply with the method of PID using PLC Siemens S7-1200 as controller and also to monitor the process of its work system from a distance through internet of things (IoT). Water distribution system is created utilizing 3 phase pump which will supply water from the tank. Pressure sensor will be used as analog input signal of PLC to detect the pressure of water in the pipe. Using inverter, water pressure will be kept constantly matched with the desirable set point through the setting of pump speed using digital PID method that is available on PLC. Score of set point is done through HMI of touch panel KTP700basic. By using wifi communication that has been connected to internet, PLC data can be sent to cloud server through raspberry pi3 using MQTT protocol. Raspberry pi3 program is design using the java script coding language. Research result showing that this system is able to keep the water pressure in a constant level of 1.2 bar in water supply. It is also able to monitor the water pressure through HMI and handphone via IoT Technology in the GoIoT server.
Pressure Sensor, PLC, PID, HMI, Inverter, IoT (Internet of Things), Raspberry
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Hana Catur Wahyuni
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
SMEs are an important economic element in Indonesia. One of the products produced by SMEs is food. On the other hand, the development of consumer knowledge on food quality is increasing rapidly. These conditions require producers to provide quality food. Foods that meet the elements of food safety is one form of quality assurance for consumers. Therefore, producers need to know the extent of the consumers perspective on food safety. This study aims to determine consumer perceptions of the level of importance of food safety aspects. Especially in the process of selecting / buying food. The study was conducted using a questionnaire consisting of two parts. The first part is a questionnaire to find out the identity of the respondent, second questionnaire to determine the level of importance of food safety by consumers. Questionnaire consists of seven questions. Questionnaires were distributed online in February 2019. Data processing was carried out using descriptive statistics. This study consisted of 217 respondents from men (41%) and women (59%). The results showed that 75.6% of respondents rated food safety aspects as very important in the process of buying food. 66.8% considered food safety aspects to be closely related to food quality. 75.5% of respondents rate strongly agree to know the elements contained in food. 65% of respondents rate strongly agree to know that food is produced in a good manufacturer. 56.2% of respondents rate strongly agree that food must be distributed in a good transportation to ensure food safety. 57.1% Respondents considered strongly agree to pay attention to food safety aspects in the sales process. 48.1% Respondents agree that food safety certification is a guarantee that the food is safe and lawfully consumed.
Food safety, SMEs, quality, supply chain, Consumer
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Willyanto S
Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Jl. Sekip Simp. Sikambing, Medan, Indonesia
The right inventory of raw materials will minimize optimal inventory costs. A company that produces bottled beverages in Medan has problems in procuring raw materials, especially sugar, which results in high inventory costs. Therefore, this study will calculate the order of requests using the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), Period Quantity Order (POQ). ) and MIN MAX. The EOQ method was chosen because it saves storage costs and ordering costs. The data analysis technique in EOQ method is calculating the optimal amount of raw material purchases, the optimal ordering frequency, the message costs, optimal cost savings and total cost of raw material inventory. EOQ method turned out to have a lower total inventory cost compared to the cost of procurement of raw material supplies set by the company, which is Rp. 215,862,536 while the EOQ method is Rp. 210,777,546. From the calculation results, the EOQ method is more efficient, because the company will be able to minimize the total inventory cost of Rp. 5,084,990 or 2,4% lower.
Raw material inventory, EOQ, POQ, MIN MAX
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Yusuf Mauluddin
Departement of Industrial Engineering
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
This study discusses the design of a production control board in the home industry. The home industry that implements a response strategy to consumers is make to order, and a production system strategy is a flow shop. The design of the production control board is intended as a tool to see when an order starts and finishes, the position of the order, when to accept orders, and the production capacity owned. Home industry that is the object of research is bag home industry. The research methodology is a case study and the model used is a modification of the Gantt chart. The design results show the production control board is able to work as a tool in planning and controlling production activities.
Production control board, home industry
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Agus Sanjaya
Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Jl. Sekip Simp. Sikambing, Medan, Indonesia
Strategic distribution locations and optimal distribution routes are important concerns of a company to minimize distribution costs. The shorter the distribution route, the lower the cost of distribution. Animal feed companies have difficulty in reducing distribution costs. Therefore, research is conducted to determine the exact location of the distribution center so that the distribution route is optimal. The purpose of this research is to determine the optimal distribution center location to reduce distribution costs. In determining the proposed distribution center location, Gravity Location Model is used. The research results are the new coordinates as the proposed distribution center location, namely (98.888504; 3.419406) and the total distribution cost of initial distribution center location is Rp 7.135.828, while the total distribution cost of proposed distribution center location is Rp.6.965.143. The results obtained show that the total distribution costs can be reduced by 2.39% per day.
Route optimization, Saving matrix, VRP, Gravity location model
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Sitti Nursetiawati
a, b) State the University of Jakarta, Faculty of Engineering, Cosmetology Education, East Jakarta, Rawamangun 13220
Saponification is the chemical reaction process of fatty acids with KOH, KK2CO3, NaOH, and Na2Co3 so as to produce soap with carbonyl salt content. One of the benefits of saponification is creating a product that can produce economic value. This research was conducted using a quantitative method involving 50 respondents from housewives who received material to training related to making body soap. The research location was chosen purposively. The results of the study stated that (a) saponification soap made can be used for the body, but it is not suitable for use as a facial soap. Because, the pH content of the face and the saponification of soap need to be adjusted, including the ingredients suitable for facial skin, (b) further research is needed regarding natural preservatives and skin safe, so that the saponification soap is durable, (c) soap making with saponification techniques that are quite easy to apply, (d) there is a relationship between soap-making education and the high interest in housewife entrepreneurship, and (e) what is needed to increase the entrepreneurial interests of housewives is the practice of packaging products to the distribution chain. Keywords: Saponification techniques, body soap, education, entrepreneurship
Saponification techniques, body soap, education, entrepreneurship
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Rina Febriana Hendrawan
a) Technology and Vocational Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Electrical Engineering Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
This study was conducted to explore the importance of graduate work skills through an industry perspective. Respondents consisted of 23 industry in various fields in Jakarta. The instruments used in this study were adapted from the SCANS model and integrated the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI). The results of the survey show that the industry has a high interest in employability skills and achievement of employability skills indicators for students in Jakarta. This study also indicates that there is no significant difference between company size and employability skills. However, there are substantial differences between indicators in employability skills.
Industry, employability skills, managerial skills, attitude
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Hari Karyadi Oetomo
Universitas Trisakti
A sweet gas exploration well, penetrating 3286 feet thickness of Granite Basement with 70 feet thickness of extensive fracture was tested. Initial step was to study all geologycal and petrophysical aspects of reservoir and well . These data were used to obtain the sense of reservoir shape model and its fracture flow behavior. Interpreting the log gives the presents of partial fracture and open fracture, which are shown in the early time region as a fracture dominated flow and very small wellbore storage effect. The bilinear flow before middle time region and followed by two porosity fracture model at middle time region are shown afterward. Constant pressure circle boundary is shown in the late time period. In summarized, the well flow model is in infinite acting conductivity with two porosity pseudo steady state reservoir model and constant pressure circle boundary. The permeability is 1.45 mD, with -0.52 skin and 1962 Psia reservoir pressure; meanwhile the fracture coefficient is 50 mD-ft, storativity is 0.51, and interporosity flow coefficient is 4.38x10-6 mD-ft. All well and reservoir data pertaining well test is very important for getting a reliable well test interpretation result; to get better understanding reservoir flow behavior.
Pressure Build Up Test, Pressure Derivative, Granite Basement, Sweet Gas Well,
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
samsol samsol
Petroleum Engineering Department Universitas Trisakti
Well test pressure and deliverability analysis are carried out to determine permeability (k), skin formation damage factor, initial pressure (Pi), (∆P skin), investigation radius (ri), boundary of the reservoir. The results of this work are used to calculate the initial gas reserves by wells and predict production capacity in the wells studied (AOFP). Furthermore, an optimal production plan will be produced to produce the most economic value. The result of this work is the initial pressure value (Pi) which is equal to 862 psi. The skin values of the pressure derivative and Horner Plot methods are -0.214 and -0.232 respectively, the permeability value are 148 and 135 mD, the value of the investigation radius is 2110 ft. The resulting AOFP is 8214 Mscf/D. The calculation of the initial gas reserves by well uses the volumetric method which is equal to 458 MMscf. These results are then carried out forecasting production performance aims to determine the most optimal production planning. This production plan, the scenario used is scenario 1 with a gas rate of 2 MMscf and scenario 2 uses a compression 50 psia with a gas injection rate of 1 MMScf. Furthermore, the best scenario of this research is the optimum production by using 50 psia injection rate of 1 MMScf
Well test, Pressure build up test, Gas well production scenario
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Firman Herdiansyah
Universitas Trisakti
Jl.kyai Tapa 1 no.1 Tomang Jakarta Barat
Studi area is located in Rambatan river and Ciseureh river Malahayu Brebes Central Java. Porosity and permeability are very important to oil and gas industry because the meaning of porosity is a measure of the void spaces in a rock and is a part of the total volume rock. Permeability is defined as the ability of a rock to transmit fluids. Deep-water gravity flow or deep marine reservoir are important exploration targets worldwide and there is complicated when little subsurface data available. Porosity and pemeability analysis from outcrops data may considered as the data used in this study. The result from three measuring section show there is thin intercalated carbonaceous sandstone, marl, and shale. 20 outcrop samples was carried out the helium porosimetry for porosity permeability value, 17 samples was examined thin section analysis for fabric discussion, and 2 samples was calcimetry analysis. Litology are generally contains many foraminifera from very fine to fine grained and mostly moderate grained on inner-outer fan environment. Sedimentary structure represent slope sedimentary structure such as graded bedding, lower lamination, slump bedding, ripple, convolute ripple, cross lamination, and trace fossil as feature of deep-marine deposits. Smaller porosity value in the limestone abundant foraminifera 2% and horizontal permealibity 0.005 mD. Then the higher porosity value is 27.9% with the higher permeability 76 mD in sandstone.
Porosity & permeability, sedimen, oil and gas industry
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Ratnayu Sitaresmi
Universitas Trisakti
A novel method of hydraulic fracturing is by pulse pumping proppant into formation. The proppant is mixed with fibrous material, and this material will hold the formation from closing, even though channel if formed in the formation. A well producing from poorly sorting conglomeratic reservoir with secondary porosity and muddy micro-porosity. The well recently only produces intermittently 9 to 20 BOPD on sucker rod pump. Well permeability is 1.78 mD with reservoir pressure of 1188 Psi. The first step is to further evaluate the well, from rock mechanic and stress of formation, which is called Candidate Selective Factor (CSF). And then, a fracturing operation is designed, based on well parameter and surrounding wells. After performing pre-fracturing; consists of berakdown test, step rate test, and minifrac test; the operation is re-designed. The re-design includes special pulsing pumping technique, and the mainfrac operation. In the actual operation, the proppant was pulsing into formation for eleven times. The results of after channel fracturing shows that the productivity index increases 10.3 times. This new hydraulic fracturing method; Channel Fracturing; will also give less possibility of screen out, in addition to its successful result.
Hydraulic Fracturing, Channel Fracturing, Candidate Selective Factor
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
sri widiyanesti
telkom university
This research object on PT. Dirgantara Indonesia is the aerospace industry that focusing on production light aircraft or remote airplane, one of product PT. Dirgantara Indonesia N212-400 that have five ordered by Phillipine and Veitnam had a delay project. In this qualitative research with research approach is case study approach in identification causative factor of project delay, with the purpose of study is descriptive research and the process data validity and reliability using triangulation method. The data analysis in this research is the productivity of project, potential failure mode of the project using FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) and fishbone diagram to determine the cause and effect the project delay. Result of the productivity during the project N212-400 is 40% and 40% productivity in aerospace industry is in the below average of aerospace industry that are 70% - 80%. By using fishbone and FMEA is identify the cause of delay and the potential failure of delay project N212-400 the main factor of project delay based on fishbone and FMEA is machine and material process. Both of key factor have high score of RPN (Risk Priority Number) that is 810, and this process should be give priority improvement.
Aerospace, Delay Project, Fishbone Analysis, Productivity, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Andri Ikhwana
Department of Industrial Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Local food products that have been known as icons of a region are faced with global market competition so that they are required to have competitiveness in fighting for the global market with the hope that business activities that rely on local identity are not lost and displaced by the arrival of various products that can replace product functions and roles on global competition. This study aims to identify the factors that support the sustainability of the local food product business so that it can compete in the global market and determine the strategies that must be done. To support this research activity, the method used is the analysis of factors supported by 100 respondents conducted using the accidental sampling method involving various groups of respondents. Based on the results of the study, it was found various factors that support the sustainability of local food product businesses, namely: lifestyle factors, individual factors, promotion factors and places, and product identity factors. Furthermore, so that the business activities of local food products can survive and be sustainable, the strategies that must be carried out are product innovation, intensive promotion, and determining a strategic sales location.
local food products, global markets, factor analysis
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Tika Endah Lestari
Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Sampoerna University
Multivariate Control Charts is an effective tool in Statistical Process Control to identify either an out-of-control process or in-control process. Hotelling T2 control chart is a quite popular and widely used technique in this field. However, its performance is deteriorated when the underlying distribution of the quality characteristics is not following the multivariate normal distribution. Multivariate control chart usually recommended a procedure in the phase-in Hotelling T2 control chart although there is difficulty in interpreting the signals from multivariate control charts more work is needed on data reduction methods and graphics techniques. Basically, the multivariate control chart refers to the theory of prediction interval. Therefore, its called predictive multivariate control charts. We aim to construct what so-called predictive multivariate control chart both classical in this part in the phase-in Hotelling T2 and Copula-based ones. We argue that appropriate joint distribution function may be well estimated by employing Copula. A numerical analysis is carried out to illustrate that an Application Copula-based Multivariate control chart outperforms than bivariate control chart and others.
Multivariate Control Chart, Copula, Predictive Control Chart
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Dedi sadudin Taptajani
a) Department of Industial Engineering
b) Department of Informatics Engineering
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
There are many strategies that can be carried out by the company that will have implications / implications, which in general, namely the principal actors or network members in the chain of supply chains of red bricks that consist of five organizations or parties namely suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and consumers. The five principal actors must be as a totality. Next The nature of competition between supply chain networks is then the phasing implications of the supply chain process where the evolutionary process requires phasing, so it needs to be detailed, differentiated, and planned about what, who, and how for each element such as drivers, focus, benefits, tools, areas of action, guidelines, models, alliances, and training, The key to supply chain management is network integration or management among all related companies, the company is still owned by the owner, and there are no acquisitions so that the strategies developed are total and collective, not the strategy of individual companies. All relevant parties need to be included in order to produce a plan believed and implemented together, which will then be carried out by several targets which are specific performance benchmarks, as well as improving customer relations. the SCOR model (Supply Chain Operations Reference) is used to issue performance measurement standards in the supply chain so that it can be used for comparison with other industries. In this research, it is expected to get a solution to declare the impact of the red brick supply chain seen in terms of total effort in improving and or creating competitive advantage (new) so that competition no longer occurs between companies, but between one supply chain and another supply chain , or between one company network and another company network.
Supply Chain, Strategic, Management, Supplier
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
sri susilawati islam
a) Industrial Engineering Program Study, Sampoerna University, Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No.Kav. 16, Jakarta 12780, Indonesia
b) Accounting Program Study, Sampoerna University, Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu No.Kav. 16, Jakarta 12780, Indonesia
c) Industrial Engineering Program Study, Borobudur University, Jl. Raya Kalimalang No.1, Jakarta 031018, Indonesia
The research aims to examine factors that may cause inventory mismanagement in a Small Medium Enterprises (SME), which is a market leader in the Heavy Equipment after sales business, is selected. The company is selected because despite its status as market leader, the company deals with various inventory problems, for examples slow moving stocks, delivery delays to customers, etc. Those problems, at the end, may reduce companys profit. In order to determine the main causes, this study applies quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative method, specifically Pareto diagram and Inventory Turnover Ratio (ITR) is mainly used to evaluate sales and inventory management. ITR is affected by spare part quantity, warehouse area used, and the material amount. The top five ITR ratings are examined further through observation, interview, and questionnaire techniques. Meanwhile, the qualitative method is applied to evaluate the companys inventory information systems, procedures and coordinations among departments, and human resources. Our findings suggest that the unintegrated companys information system and lack of qualified human resources are the main factors affect inefficient inventory management. The research benefits to industry by suggesting the importance of information systems and human resources to inventory management. As for academics, this research enriches inventory management literature.
Inventory Management, Small Medium Enterprise, Inventory Turnover Ratio
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Rina Febriana Hendrawan
a) Technology and Vocational Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
b) Technology and Vocational Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
c) Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
This study aims to develop learning media for craft and entrepreneurship subjects. After undergoing preliminary research on students needs for this particular subject, the authors consider technology-based learning media to needed in the process of learning carved sandals. This research was developed based on Borg and Galls research model as the main design, and ASSUREs instructional design as a sub-design in developing instructional media in the form of DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) entitled Tutorial Carved Sandals. Based on the results of the expert validation test it was concluded that the product was feasible to be used as a medium with a yield of 3.55 or 88.75%, and was very well used as a learning medium in large group trials with a return of 3.43 or 86%. This DVD has tested in 3 secondary schools in Central Jakarta in learning Crafts and Entrepreneurship in making handicraft products with the inspiration of non-objects culture.
multimedia DVD, hand-carved sandal, ASSURE
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Anita Christine Sembiring
Universitas Prima Indonesia
Minimum mileage and maximization of utilities will help the product distribution process to be optimal. Soft drink companies in the city of Medan have problems in distributing products to consumers who are not on time. This is related to the lack of regulation of product distribution channels by the company. Therefore this research was conducted to optimize product distribution routes in order to minimize distribution costs. With the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) method, it will combine several closest distribution routes and improve the route sequence. Then the development of sub-routes that are formed from the travel time and utility of transportation equipment used. Formation of sub-routes is still done manually while increasing the order of sub-routes is done by using the Software Quant System (QS) version 3.0. and produce minimum mileage on each sub-route. 6 sub-routes are carried out in one week and are served by 1 transportation car with a capacity of 220 crates. The proposed sub-route is 171 km shorter than the available sub-routes, thus shortening the travel time by 302 minutes to transport the product and save transportation costs of Rp. 68800, - (per week).
Distribution route; Traveling Salesman Problem; Utility
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Dedi sadudin Taptajani
Department of Industrial Engineering
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
Distribution is an important aspect of the delivery process. So it is an activity that is useful to launch goods distribution activities from upstream to downstream. According to Philip Kotler (1997) Distribution is a group of organizations that create a process of distribution activities of a good or service, the distribution of trash from the Temporary Disposal Site (TPS) to the end in the optimal Final Disposal (TPA) is a step to Accelerate the arrival of trash to the final dump. presents an extension of the ant colony technique to solve the optimization case of the shortest route by taking into account the distance, capacity and grouping of the optimal depot using the ant algorithm model as the first step of optimization, The ant colony algorithm is adopted from the behavior of ant colonies known as the ant system (Dorigo, 1996 ). Naturally, ant colonies are able to find the shortest route on the way from the nest to the food sources Ant colonies can find the shortest route between the nest and the source, of food based on footprints on the trajectory that has been passed. This paper presents an extension of existing ant colony techniques to solve some of the trash removal problems from some Temporary Disposal Sites (TPS) to end up in the Final Disposal (TPA). so that in the process of taking garbage to each TPS, each vehicle brings waste with optimal capacity, without any empty vehicle, when the vehicle reaches the Final Disposal (TPA) with the shortest route consideration. Based on the results of simulation and evaluation studies using a model approach, it has been shown that the ant colony optimization technique proposed in this paper leads to more optimal results than the method.
Distribution, optimization, ant colony algorithm, simulation, evaluation
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
rina kurniawati
a) Department of Industry Engineering, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jl. Mayor Syamsu No. 1 Garut 44151, Indonesia
b) Department of Informatics, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut, Jl. Mayor Syamsu No. 1 Garut 44151, Indonesia
The development of business world cannot be separated from the important role held by smart and innovative thinkers. The innovation and creativity of these thinkers bring in products that have high selling value. Dinas Koperasi and SMEs of Garut presents Parigel as a Business Empowerment and Development service for Micro Business doers. Parigel facilitates the promotion and marketing of Micro Business doers products which is intended to bring Garut Government services closer to the community. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the business marketing strategy that is carried out by utilizing E-Commerce. This research used qualitative and descriptive method with a case study approach. The result of this study indicate that selling and marketing products through cyberspace has many advantages, namely; it has broad coverage, it is not constricted by space and time, and it can be done anytime and anywhere. Therefore, E-commerce is worth trying in order to help developing Micro and Medium Enterprises in Garut.
Marketing; Strategy; Micro; Medium Enterprises; E-Commerce
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Wiwik Sulistiyowati
1,2,3 Industrial Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Product quality is one of the most important things in a product offered. Flat glass is one of the many products produced because of high consumer demand. This requires the company to run the production process well to produce products that meet consumer expectations. The purpose of this study was to determine the type and amount of waste in the glass-making production process and analyze the root causes of the glass-making process. The method used in this study is a mixed method, namely quantitative and qualitative approaches, which are directly measured using the Lean Manufacture concept approach. Lean manufacturing is a production activity that focuses on reducing waste in all aspects of the companys production activities. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the cause of reject is influenced by two factors, namely humans and machines, human factors due to not running the standard operational procedure (SOP) properly, the factors of the machine due to not doing the appropriate machine settings at a particular station.
Lean Manufacturing, Product Quality, Root Cause Analysis.
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Yusuf Mauluddin
Departement of Industrial Engineering
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
The purpose of this study is to find production capacity and storage capacity of raw material warehouses in agriculture-based industries. It is a concern; the supply of raw materials can only be done during the harvest period while production must continue throughout the year. This case occurs in the coffee processing industry, where the supply of raw materials for the harvest period is from April to August while production must be carried out every day throughout the year. To model, the problem is used by simulation using deterministic variables. Various capacity scenarios are tested to see system performance. The results obtained show maximum production capacity is to follow working hours with a minimum raw material storage capacity&
production capacity, storage capacity
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
I Gede Pasek Mangku
a) Food Science and Technology Faculty of Agriculture
Warmadewa Universtiy, Denpasar-Bali
*Email: pasek_mangku[at]
During processing and storaging of strawberry products like puree were often found some problems such as loss or change of red colour anthocyanin, formation of brown pigment and loss of ascorbic acid. The purpose of this research is to determined the best of precise dextrin concentration to stabilitation of red colour anthocyanin pigment and the quality during storage at temperature 10±2oC for 30 days. Rendomized block designed used with dextrin concentration as treatments that consists of three levels with four replications. The treatments are, dextrin concentration 0,8%, 1,6%, and 2,4%. The data were analyzed using of ANOVA and continoued by LSD analyzed if the treatment given significantly effect. To get the best treatment used of effectivity index value. The result showed that the treatment of dextrin 1,6% having the highest of total product value 2,27 and produced strawberry puree with the best quality during storage at temperature 10±2oC for 30 days. The characteristics of the strawberry puree are anthocyanin concentration 23,67 mg/kg, total ascorbic acid 78,12 mg/100g, total soluble solid 13,23%, moisture content 79,88%, pH 3,16, red colour intencity (a* value) +30,80, degree of lightness (L* value) 35,40, and total of microba 21,6 x 103 sel/g.
Strawberry puree, quality, anthocyanin, dextrin, storage
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Andri Ikhwana
a) Department of Industrial Engineering, b) Department of Informatics Engineering
Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Garut
The sustainability of business activity is determined by the existence of all elements involved in business activity. Alignment of each component involved in business activities can be determined by identifying supporting factors based on activities in each business chain that occurs. This study aims to determine the supporting factors for the optimality of supply chain performance of brown sugar business activities using the supply chain management approach and supported by the analytical hierarchy process method in determining criteria that support brown sugar business activities. Based on the results of research on the supply chain of brown sugar business activities, to support the sustainability and optimality of supply chain performance the brown sugar business on the elements involved in the brown sugar business consists of several factors including product quality, the cost of purchasing brown sugar raw materials, and accuracy and the suitability of the number of shipments that are in accordance with the request.
supply chain management, decision analysis, analytical hierarchy process
Industry Engineering
Corresponding Author
Dana Marsetiya Utama
a) Departement Industrial Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jl. Tlogomas No. 246, 65144 Malang, East Java, Indonesia
b) Vocation Faculty, University of 17 Agustus SurabayaJl. Semolowaru, Menur Pumpungan, Sukolilo, Surabaya 60118 East Java, Indonesia
Recently, the problem of minimizing carbon emissions in manufacturing has become a focus of much research. One of the efforts that were successfully carried out was managing the sustainable economics order quantity (SEOQ). However, several SEOQ had assumption such as (1) warehouse costs are ignored, (2) warehouse emissions are avoided, and (3) warehouse costs are ignored. In this paper, we developed the SEOQ model with warehouse costs and capacity limits. There are two proposed SOQ models. Model 1 was the SEOQ model with warehouse costs and carbon emissions. At Model SEOQ 2, this model considered warehouse costs, carbon emissions, and capacity. We also proposed procedures to minimize total inventory costs. Finally, a numerical experiment was conducted to test the model. Based on numerical experiments, the proposed model useful to solve SEOQ problems with warehouse costs and capacity limits.
SEOQ; EOQ; carbon emissions; Inventory; capacity limits
Industry Engineering
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